Name of the Laboratory

Energy Efficiency and Illumination Technique Laboratory



Industrial Collaboration Opportunities

Energy efficiency and lighting studies

Past/Ongoing Industrial Collaborations

Project title: “Energy Manager Certificate Program in Industry”

Supporting organization: Siemens Academy, Türkiye
Position in the Project: Coordinator, Trainer
Project duration: March 2010 – December 2011
Budget: 150 000 TL


Project title: “Development of Lighting Saving Potential Evaluation Method in Buildings”

Supporting organization: ITU Scientific Research Fund
Start/End dates: October 2010 – September 2012
Budget: 15 000 TL
Gained assets: Luxmeter, Chromameter, Data Collecting Systems

Project title: “Data Collection Survey on Efficient Energy Management of the Public Building in Turkey”

Supporting organization: JICA – Japan International Cooperation Agency
Start/End dates: July 2012 – January 2013
Budget: 23 600 Euros
Gained assets: Varyak - 3 kVA, Pure sine wave supply

Project title: “Energy Efficiency Awareness Training”

Supporting organization: TÜRK TELEKOM
Project duration: September 2011 – March 2012
Project Budget: 70 000 TL

Project title: “Aksa Acrylic Lighting Study”

Supporting Organization: Aksa Akrilik Kimya San. Inc.
Start/End dates: December 2014-January 2015
Budget: 30 000TL

Past/Ongoing Academic Collaborations

Project title: “Comparative Evaluation of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Strategies by Energy-Economy-Environment Modeling for Turkey and Germany”

Supporting organization: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Association (Headquarters – Berlin)
Project partner: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Start/End dates: 01 January 2011 – 01 January 2012
Budget: 50 000 TL

Project name: “Project on “Study on Energy Efficiency (EE) Potentials in Turkey in the sectors: Shopping Malls and Tourism”

Supporting organisation: EU – European Union
Project partner: Berlin Energy Agency
Start/End dates: September 2011 – May 2012
Budget: 20 000 Euros

Services Provided to Outside ITU

Energy efficiency and lighting studies

Sercives Provided to ITU Researchers

Energy efficiency and lighting studies

Equipments and Purposes of Use


Luxmeter: Measurement of brightness level and color characteristics


Thermal camera: Temperature measurement and thermal imaging


Power analyzer: Measurement and determination of electrical properties of fixtures.

Experiments and Tests

Energy efficiency and lighting studies, Luminance level and color properties measurement, Temperature measurement and thermal imaging, Measurement and determination of electrical properties of luminaires.

Finished/Ongoing Projects

Projects (Academic)


1) Lighting Saving Potential in Buildings


1) Comparative Evaluation of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Strategies by Energy-Economy-Environment Modeling for Turkey and Germany

2) Project on “Study on Energy Efficiency (EE) Potentials in Turkey in the sectors: Shopping Malls and Tourism

Projects (Industrial)


1) Aksa Acrylic Lighting Study


1) Data Collection Survey on Efficient Energy Management of the Public Building in Turkey

Other Projects


1) Energy Manager Certificate Program in Industry



Laboratory Supervisors

Prof. Dr. Sermin Onaygil, Prof. Dr. Önder Güler