Laboratory Name

Measurement and Test Laboratory



Industrial Collaboration Opportunities

Development of electrodes and electrolytes for Li-ion batteries and hybrid energy storage systems

Past/Ongoing Industrial Collaborations

  • İnci GS Yuasa AKÜ
  • Temsa Skoda

Past/Ongoing Academic Collaborations

  • Arizona State University (United States of America)
  • KAIST (S. Korea)
  • I. P. Bardin Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy (Russia)

Services Provided to Outside of ITU


Services Provided to ITU Researchers


Equipments and Purposes of Use

8 Channel battery measurement system: Capacitor/Li-ion battery capacity, cycle life. determination of cycle capacities

Potentiostat/Galvanostat: CV and EIS measurements


Experiments and Tests

Electrochemical tests

Finished/Ongoing Projects

Academic Projects


1) Tübitak 1004 (Project No: 20AG029)

2) Tübitak 1004 (Project No: 22AG034)

3) Tübitak 1004 (Project No: 22AG036)

4) İTU YAP MGA-2023-44047

5) İTU YAP MGA-2023-44040


1) Bilateral cooperation with Russia (Project No: 213M523)

2) AB (BSUN) (Contract No: TR07C1.01-02/127)


Industrial Projects


1) TEYDEB 1511-İnci AKÜ (Project No: 1120027)

2) TEYDEB 1702-Temsa Skoda (Patent licence)

3) TEYDEB 1505-Temsa Skoda (Project No: 5230006)




Other Projects



Laboratory Supervisors

Prof. Dr. Nilgün Karatepe Yavuz

Assoc. Prof. Tayfun Gündoğdu