1) Immobilization of some radionuclides in glass ceramics for the storage of radioactive waste, ITU Scientific Research Project No. MYLB-2023-45165 (2022-2023) (Manager)
2) Development of multifunctional radiation shield material and determination of shielding performance, MDK-2023-45092 ITU Scientific Research Project (2023-2025) (Manager)
3) Development and Tomographic Characterization of Anode Nano Catalysts CCM Diffusion Layers for PEM Electrolyzers, ITU Competent Area Research Project No. MGA-2023-44040 (2023-2025) (Researcher)
4) Preparation of Glass-Ceramic Radiation Shielding Materials Using Natural Raw Materials and Determination of Their Shielding Performance, ITU Scientific Research Project No. MGA-2022-43648 (2022-2024) (Director)
5) Synthesis and characterization of graphene-based ZnO composite materials via green synthesis approach for the removal of U(VI) and Th(IV) ions from aqueous solutions, FM-ÖNAP-2022-23492 Ege University Priority Area Project (2022-2024) (Researcher)
6) Preparation of multifunctional radiation shielding materials and investigation of their shielding performance, ITU Scientific Research Project No. 39416 (2016-2021) (Director)
7) Investigation of structural properties of composite ceramic materials, ITU Scientific Research Project No. 39764 (2016-2017) (Director)
8) Storage of radioactive waste in ceramic and composite ceramic matrices, ITU Scientific Research Project No. 39767 (2016-2021) (Director)
9) Investigation of diffusion of some redox sensitive elements in nuclear waste in polymer based barrier systems, ITU Scientific Research Project No. TDK-2018-41684 (2018-2024) (Director)
10) Investigation of the Interaction of Ions with Different Hydrated Clay Surfaces for the Design of Nuclear Waste Sites, ITU Scientific Research Project No. MGA-2017-40853 (2017-2022) (Researcher)
11) Design of Permeable Reactive Barrier for Retention of Long Half-Lived Cesium and Strontium Radionuclides in Case of Nuclear Accidents, TUBITAK 1003 Project, Project No: 118F455 (2020-2022) (Researcher).
12) Radiological and Chemical Monitoring of The Rivers Common for Turkey and Bulgaria, TÜBİTAK 1001 Project (2007-2010) (Researcher).
13) Determination of Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metal Pollution in Terms of Ecological Risk Levels in Industrial Areas in Marmara Region, ITU BAP Project No. 34710 (Director).
14) Optimization of k0 standardization in neutron activation analysis using LVR 15 reactor in e and TRIGA Mark II reactor in Istanbul, TÜBİTAK Project, Project No: 212T190 (2012-2015).
15) Investigation of Sorption Properties of Th IV Ions from Aqueous Solutions Using Silica Material Modified with ZnO Nanoparticles, Ege University BAP Project, (2012-2014). (Researcher)
16) Application of Vitrification Technique in Immobilization of Radioactive Waste, TUBITAK1001 Project, Project No: 109M294, (2009-2011) (Manager).
17) Investigation of Sorption Behavior of Cs-137 and Sr-90 Radionuclides on Polymeric Modified Resorcinol Resin Using Chemometric Techniques, Ege University BAP Project, (2009-2011). (Researcher).
18) Investigation of the Effect of Surface Roughness on Mechanical Behavior in Dental Implants, MYL-2022-44208, 2022-2024.
19) Investigation of the Behavior of Special Composite Materials Against Radiation, Analysis with XCOM Computer Program, ITU-BAP Doctoral Thesis Research Project, 2014- 2018.
20) Investigation of the Behavior of Some Materials Containing Tungsten, Titanium and Boron Against Radiation, Analysis with XCOM Computer Program and a New Proposal, ITU PhD Thesis Project, 2012-2014.
21) Evaluation of Carbon Structural Steels for Radiation Shielding Purposes, ITU Master Thesis Research Project, 2002 – 2003.
22) Investigation of the Behavior of Different Glasses Against Radiation, Evaluation of Their Use for Dosimetric Purposes, A New Correlation, ITU PhD Thesis Project, 2001 – 2003.
23) Investigation of the Surface of Irradiated Al Doped ZnO Conductor Films with Advanced Techniques and Improvement of Their Optical and Mechanical Properties for Economical and High-Quality Production, TUBITAK 1001 Project, 107M545, 2008-2010.
24) Preparation of Porous Tungsten Oxide Films and Solid Electrochromic Device Design, TUBITAK 1001 Project, 105T451, 2006- 2008.
25) Development of multiphase self-healing nanocomposite shielding material and investigation of its mechanical properties, TUBITAK 1001 Project, 115R017, 2015-2018.
26) Investigation of Mechanical Properties in Polymer Nanocomposites, ITU BAP GAP Project, 41576, 2018-2022.
27) Development of self-healing nanocomposite shielding material and investigation of its mechanical properties, ITU PhD thesis project, 2016-2018.
28) Investigation of curing time in the structure of poly (methacrylate) living polymer using gamma transmission technique, ITU BAP, 2015- 2018.
29) “Surface Modification of Irradiated ZnO:Al Thin Film and Determination of Production Parameters and Mechanical Properties”, TUBITAK Research Project, 107M545, 2008- 2010.
30) Preparation of porous tungsten oxide thin film and design of solid electrochromic device, TUBITAK Research Project, 105T451, 2006-2008.
31) Determination of Radioactivity Level in Soil Samples and Evaluation of Soil Layer, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) Scientific Research Project, (2001-2002).
32) Behavior of Solar Cells Against Radiation, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2013-2017.
33) Investigation of Structural Changes of Al Doped ZnO Thin Films by Gamma Conduction Technique, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2009-2010.
34) Analysis of Structural Properties of Irradiated Ta2O5 Thin Film, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2010-2011.
35) Detection of Welded Joints Using Radiographic Examination, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2009-2010.
36) Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation on ZnO Nanocrystallites, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2009-2010.
37) Nano-Crystalline ZnO:Al Thin Films and ZnO:Al/p-Si Heterojunctions Prepared by Sol-gel Dip Coating Technique, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2011-2012.
38) Characterization of Nanostructured ZnO:Al Films and Effect of Beta Radiation on Color Parameters, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2009-2010.
39) Investigation of Structural and Electrical Properties of Al Doped ZnO Films Exposed to Gamma Rays Produced by Sol-Gel Technique, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2008-2009.
40) Investigation of Optical and Mechanical Properties and Behavior of ZnO:Al Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method Against Gamma Rays, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2009-2010.
41) Investigation of Optical Model of ZnO:Al Thin Films Irradiated with Neutrons, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2011-2012.
42) Investigation of Changes in Current-Voltage Characteristics of ZnO:Al/P-Si Heterojunctions Irradiated with Neutrons, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2011-2012.
43) Growth and Characterization of Sol-Gel Derived CuIn1-XGaXSe2 (CIGS) Thin Films and Beta Irradiation Effect, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2013-2014.
44) Characterization of ZrO2 Thin Films Irradiated with Gamma Radiation, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2015-2016.
45) Farklı Tipteki Cam Numunelerinin Farklı Radyasyon Tiplerine Karşı Davranışları ve Cam Dozimetre Olarak Kullanımları İçin Yeni Bir Korelasyon, İTÜ BAP Tez Projesi, 2002-2003.
46) Investigation of radioactive removal of selenium in aqueous environments by monitoring technique, ITU BAP Project, 2013-2017.
47) Investigation of Irrigation Effect on PMMA/MWCNT Polymer Nanocomposites, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2017-2018.
48) Changes in structural properties of flexible substrates used in solar cells against ionizing radiation, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2015-2020.
49) Improvement of optoelectronic properties in ZnO doped with nanoparticles to be used as electrode material, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2018-2021.
50) Magnetic Properties of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced PolyMethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) Nanocomposites, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2021-2022.
51) Investigation of Changes in Radiation Protection Properties of Colemanite Reinforced Poly(methyl methacrylate) Structure Exposed to Space Radiation, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2021-2023.
52) Investigation of the Change in the Behavior of PolyMethyl Methacrylate Structure Against Different Types of Ionizing Radiation with Particle Reinforcement, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2022-2024.
53) Comparative Investigation of the Effects of Carbon Nanotubes with Different Diameters and Lengths on Thermal and Mechanical Properties in Polymethyl Methacrylate Nanocomposite Reinforced with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reinforcement, ITU BAP Thesis Project, 2022-2023.