Research Topics Lecturer Contact
  • Whole body models and determination of radiation risks
  • Patient specific dosimetric modeling
  • Production, characterization and modeling of radiation shielding materials
  • Applications of Monte Carlo method in nuclear reactors and radioactive waste management
  • Nuclear applications of artificial intelligence techniques

Prof. Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT E-mail
Tel :
  • Simulations, optimization and design parameter analysis of nuclear power plants
  • Thermodynamic, heat transfer, thermal hydraulic, CFD and safety analyses for nuclear power plants
  • Analysis and optimization of nuclear cogeneration plants (hydrogen production, drinking water production etc. together with power generation)
  • Two-phase flows and boiling heat transfer (for the design and safety analysis of nuclear reactors)
Prof. Dr. Ahmet DURMAYAZ
Tel :90-212-2853878
  • Radiation shielding
  • Radiation techniques
  • Radiation detection and measurement
  • Investigation of porous media by using radiation techniques
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Filiz BAYTAŞ
Tel : 90-212-2853890
  • Production, characterization and modeling of radiation shielding materials
  • Neutron Radiography in composite materials
  • Material testing with thermal neutrons using non-destructive testing technique
  • Characterization of Phase Change Materials with Thermal Energy Storage Capability
  • Development of Surface Acoustic Wave-Based Heavy Metal Ion Sensors

Prof. Dr. Erol KAM
Tel :
  • Radiation applications
  • Nuclear applications
  • Experimental nuclear physics
Prof. Dr. İskender Atilla REYHANCAN E-mail :
Tel : 90-212-2857465
  • Environmental radioactivity
  • Radiation dosimetry
  • Radiation shielding
  • Health physics
  • Nuclear techniques
Prof. Dr. Nesrin ALTINSOY E-mail :
Tel : 90-212-2853884
  • Radiation shielding
  • Radiation dosimetry
  • Radiation effect on materials
  • Synthesis and Analysis of Radiation Resistant Materials suitable for use in TRIGA type Research Reactor
  • Development of a detector suitable for use in ports in TRIGA type Research Reactor
Prof. Dr. Nilgün BAYDOĞAN E-mail :
Tel : 90-212-2853492
  • Design, management and environmental issues of nuclear and radioactive waste repositories
  • Material production and applications for waste management technologies
  • Nuclear fuel cycle technologies and applications
  • Production and applications of shielding materials in radiation protection
  • Energy materials production, characterization, applications and recovery of precious metals
Prof. Dr. Sema ERENTÜRK E-mail :
Tel : 90-212-2853938
  • Nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry (separation processes, radioactive tracer methods, physicochemical application of radioisotopes)
  • Radiation detection and measurement (gamma spectroscopy, neutron activation analysis)
  • Production of radiation shielding materials
  • Environmental radioactivity, radioecology (fallout radionuclides and usage in terrestrial investigations and erosion and sedimentation processes)
  • Management of nuclear waste  (water and wastewater purification, material preparation)
Prof. Dr. Sevilay HACIYAKUPOĞLU E-mail :
Tel : 90-212-2853887 
  • Use of duplex nuclear fuel in LWR's; neutroics and fuel performance
  • Utilization of Thorium in nuclear reactors; fuel management perspective
  • Design and utilization of Small Modular Reactors and microreactors
Prof. Dr. Üner ÇOLAK E-mail :
Tel :  90-212-2853945 
  • Nuclear reactor design
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics studies with neutronic and thermal hydraulic analysis
  • Nuclear safeguards and security
  • Radiation applications
  • Nuclear applications
Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Senem ŞENTÜRK LÜLE E-mail :
Tel : 90-212-2853941 
  •  In-core fuel management for nuclear reactors
  • Simulation and experimental analysis for nuclear reactor fuel burnup
  • Nuclear fuel cycle analysis
  • Radiation shielding analysis with experimental and Monte-Carlo methods
  • Radiation detectors
Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Tayfun AKYÜREK E-mail :
Tel :  
  • Gamma-ray spectroscopy (natural and artificial radioactivity measurements, Monte Carlo simulation)
  • Neutron activation analysis (element determination in environmental samples)
  • Applications of radioactive tracer techniques (examination of sorption behavior of materials, development of radiometric methods for environmental applications)
  • Radiation shielding studies (investigation of radiation shielding properties of materials, development of new materials for radiation shielding)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nur ESEN E-mail :
Tel : 

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