Group Members
Burak Barutçu, Assist. Prof. Dr.
Fatih Zehir Öztürk, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Sevan Karabetoğlu, Assist. Prof. Dr.
Main Research Interests
Heat Pumps
Thermoelectric generators & Direct energy conversion,
Theoretical and experimental characterization of batteries,
Energy storage and power generation based on cryogenic liquids
Mission of NET-RG
New Energy Technologies Research Group (NET-RG); aims to develop alternative technologies for energy conversion and storage processes, which has some advantages over the conventional technologies. NET-RG; proposes to contribute to the developement of new technological devices.
In this perspective, NET-RG conducts the theoretical and applied research and development studies about heat pumps, thermoelectrics and battery management systems. The group has common projects with the industrial sector.